I. General information

Company name: CHOTARD Sébastien EI – Domaine La Doussinière
Legal form: Entrepreneur Individuel (EI)
Registered office address: 1, impasse de la Croix – Lieudit Le Fauré Sourd, 24230 Montcaret, France
Telephone number: +33 (0)6 22 67 18 21
E-mail: ladoussiniere@gmail.com
RCS number: 484 394 242 00040
Tax identification number: FR 33 484 394 242
Director of publication: Sébastien CHOTARD
Host: OVH, 2 rue Kellermann, 59100 Roubaix, France
Website: www.ladoussiniere.fr

II. Intellectual property rights

The www.ladoussiniere.fr website and all its components (in particular texts, images, logos, etc.) are the exclusive property of Domaine La Doussinière or Mr Sébastien CHOTARD and are protected by copyright and/or intellectual property rights. Any reproduction, representation, modification, publication, adaptation, of all or part of the elements of the site, whatever the means or process used, is forbidden without the prior written authorisation of the company.

III. Personal information

Domaine La Doussinière undertakes to respect the privacy of users of the site and to protect any personal information that may be collected when using the site. The information collected on this site is intended for the exclusive use of Domaine La Doussinière and will not be communicated to third parties without the user’s prior consent. In accordance with the French Data Protection Act of 6 January 1978, you have the right to access, rectify and delete your personal data by contacting us by e-mail at the above address.

IV. General terms and conditions of use

These general conditions of use govern the use of the www.ladoussiniere.fr website. By accessing this site, you agree to the following terms and conditions of use. If you do not accept these conditions, please do not use the site.

1. Site content

Domaine La Doussinière makes every effort to ensure that the information published on the site is accurate and up-to-date. However, Domaine La Doussinière cannot guarantee the accuracy, precision, updating or exhaustiveness of the information made available on the site. Domaine La Doussinière reserves the right to modify, correct or delete information from the site at any time without prior notice.

2. Hypertext links

The www.ladoussiniere.fr website may contain hypertext links to other websites. Domaine La Doussinière declines all responsibility for the content of these sites and for any damage that may result from their use.

3. Liability

Domaine La Doussinière accepts no liability for any direct or indirect damage whatsoever resulting from the use of the site, from the impossibility of accessing it, or from the use of the information it contains. Domaine La Doussinière may not be held liable for any loss or damage arising from the use of the site or the impossibility of using it.

4. Applicable law and jurisdiction

These general conditions of use are governed by French law. In the event of a dispute, the French courts shall have exclusive jurisdiction.

V. Cookies

The www.ladoussiniere.fr website uses cookies. Cookies are text files that are stored on your computer or mobile device when you visit a website. Cookies are used to make the site easier to use, to analyse how users use it and to offer targeted advertising. By using the site, you consent to the use of cookies by Domaine La Doussinière.

VI. Photo credits

The photos on the www.ladoussiniere.fr website are the property of Domaine La Doussinière or its partners. Any reproduction, representation or use of these photos is prohibited without prior written authorisation from the company.

VII. Contact

If you have any questions or comments about the Domaine La Doussinière website, you can contact us at the e-mail address given above.

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